Holistic Health - Swami Rama

Swami Rama

The first principle of learning to be still is regular pracĀ­tice; the second is patience; the third is observation; and the fourth is analysis. It is true that you must understand yourself from within to attain a state of perfection-but analysis is

12 February, 2009 | Views: 9127

Ayurvedic Cooking - Healing through food

Indian sweets and fruit

I worked as a house physician in the departments of medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics at the Ayurvedic Hospital in Pune. At that time I observed repeatedly how correct diet, combined with proper herbal medicine and lifestyle, can play

04 October, 2008 | Views: 16912

Ayurveda by Ashok Majumdar

Ayurveda understands the teamwork of body and mind to achieve optimal health and happiness. Ayurvedic healing is built upon the concept of tridosha, the three bioregulatory principles that sustain the human body: vata, pitta and kapha. Vata, pitta

03 September, 2008 | Views: 5683

Back to nature for natural health

We are a hygiene and health conscious society, increasingly depending on packaged foods, mineral water and aerated drinks. Well, what of it? Is health by our side now? Juices in tetrapak, water treated by reverse osmosis, and the rest of our health

10 June, 2008 | Views: 5776

Ayurvedic insight on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Ayurvedic light on Irritable Bowel Syndrome

IBS broadly indicates that the digestive system has gone berserk. Ayurveda gives a better understanding of Irritable Bowel Syndrome by addressing the cause, and reveals measures to heal.

24 May, 2008 | Views: 14813

Wellness begins with me: Charaka Samhita

Ayurveda suggests (Charaka Samhita): "What the patient knows about himself is more important than what the physician knows." Neuropsychiatrist, Dr Sanjay Chugh, explains: “Developing self-awareness can help us recognize when we are

24 April, 2008 | Views: 7844

Vegetarian Winter Recipes: Vegetable Borscht, Russian Beet Soup, No Onion Garlic Recipes for Krishna Bhog