My Beetroot Amlaki healthy sweet recipe

Amla Beetroot Indian dessert salad recipe (4)

Vegan Beetroot Amlaki sweet for my sweet tooth

I make this winter treat when Amlaki or gooseberry and beetroot, both powerful immunity boosting foods are fresh and in plenty:)

Soaking the beetroot and gooseberry for an hour in plain water is a simple way to rid them of residual pesticides. Now we are ready to start with the awesome sweet-making process.

Ah! Yes. Leftovers need not go in the fridge. Sundry the excess moisture in the hot North Indian winter sun. I mean hot November sun. Cover the sweet with a white muslin cloth and toss it a bit at the end of the day to dry it out evenly. Keep it in the sun for as long as needed. One to five days.

This has traditionally been the time to sun dry newly harvested rice in India, the Indian month of Kartik. :)

Prep Time:10 minutes

Cook Time: 2 minutes

Yield: Serves 4 people

Nutrition Facts:

  1. Beetroot is rich in Potassium, Vitamin C and B6, Magnesium, Iron, Calcium, natural sugar, dietary fibre and Polyunsaturated fat.
  2. Amla of course is a super hero. Amla has Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Omega 3 and 6, Folate, Thiamin, Ribiflavin, Niacin, Panthonic Acid, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.


  • 1 cup Grated Amla (Gooseberry)
  • 1 cup Grated Beetroot
  • 1 cup Palm candy, raw sugar, jaggery or lesser honey
  • Toss the ingredients in a pretty glass bowl and let the juices seep and mingle before serving with toast, rolled in a roti or paratha, or with simple plain rice, millet porridge, congee or quinoa. Enjoy the vegan life:)

    चुकंदर, आंवला तथा ताड़ मिश्री से बना यह ताज़ा, मीठा सलाद तुरंत ही बन जाता है!

    Amla fruit

    Some cook ahead recipes:

    Vegan recipes from Indian kitchens

    Anisha Sharma
    Views: 10848

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