Mint-coriander chutney to go with rice pulao, an Awadhi recipe

Coriander dhaniya pudina Awadhi chutney recipe

This recipe comes from Lucknow kitchens. It goes well with Awadhi cuisine, especially the biryani and kababs. It is a great accompaniment with snacks like samosa, pakora, spring roll, and staple rice dishes like khichri and pulao.

21 April, 2010 | Views: 26755

Sweet saffron rice recipe from Lucknow, North India

Sweet saffron rice from Lucknow kitchen

This looks golden, smells great, and tastes wonderful. The only thing to be careful about is to keep the heat slow while caramelising. We want it golden, but overdo it by just a few seconds and the sugar burns and makes it bitter.

22 October, 2009 | Views: 10156

Awadhi recipe - Kashmiri Khatte Baingan

Ayurvedic Brinjal recipe

Here is an Awadhi variation of Kashmiri Khatte Baingan. Ayurvedically speaking, though individual food items have their own strengths, on cooking along with other ingredients, the prabhaav may change. For instance, tomatoes on their own have a

16 October, 2008 | Views: 13044

Sewain recipes from Awadhi kitchens

Awadhi cuisine takes pride in its sweet dishes. We begin by exploring some varieties of Sewaiya. These rich sweet dishes are perfect to nourish the vata dosha :-) Recipes for Sheer Khorma Sewain and Qimami Sewain from the Nawabi kitchens of

02 October, 2008 | Views: 26695

Birds around IITK, Uttar Pradesh Photo Journal