Vaishnav cuisine - Eggless Chocolate Cake

Eggless Vegetarian Chocolate Cake

Whole wheat flour, butter and yogurt, make the recipe wholesome and satvic, pacifying Vata and Pitta doshas. Though coffee increases vata, in this combination, it has no ill-effects. It is a completely feel-good food - wholesome and nourishing.

17 March, 2009 | Views: 8891

Vaishnav cuisine - Rice hot pot - Khichri bhog

Krishna picnic in Vrindavan

A one-pot dish, khichdi soothes vata dosha. Though the potatoes and tomatoes are not exactly vata friendly, but they lose their edge in a one-pot dish cooked with cereals, spices such as coriander, cumin and turmeric. Ginger improves digestive agni,

04 March, 2009 | Views: 20052

Awadhi recipe - Kashmiri Khatte Baingan

Ayurvedic Brinjal recipe

Here is an Awadhi variation of Kashmiri Khatte Baingan. Ayurvedically speaking, though individual food items have their own strengths, on cooking along with other ingredients, the prabhaav may change. For instance, tomatoes on their own have a

16 October, 2008 | Views: 13044

Ayurvedic Cooking - Healing through food

Indian sweets and fruit

I worked as a house physician in the departments of medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics at the Ayurvedic Hospital in Pune. At that time I observed repeatedly how correct diet, combined with proper herbal medicine and lifestyle, can play

04 October, 2008 | Views: 16936

Sewain recipes from Awadhi kitchens

Awadhi cuisine takes pride in its sweet dishes. We begin by exploring some varieties of Sewaiya. These rich sweet dishes are perfect to nourish the vata dosha :-) Recipes for Sheer Khorma Sewain and Qimami Sewain from the Nawabi kitchens of

02 October, 2008 | Views: 26695

German bakery at Laxman jhula, Rishikesh

View from window seat at German bakery at Laxman jhula, Rishikesh

Rishikesh has been a stopover for previous trips to Badrinath, Srinagar, Chopta and Ukhimath, therefore quite familiar. Yet, the German bakery, near Laxman jhula was quite a find this time. Devraj Coffee Corner, comprises of the German bakery and

14 May, 2008 | Views: 30757

Achyutashtak by Adi Guru Shankaracharya, Sanskrit Bhajan, Lyrics and Video, Bhaje Vrajaikmandanam