Piya bina soona laage des, by Jagjit singh

Sunset in Jaiselmer, song by jagjit singh

In the sandy deserts of Rajasthan, a girl sings that her beloved had promised to return to the village and her in the rainy season. Without him, she finds her homeland lonely.

18 October, 2009 | Views: 7680

Sri Mahalakshmi Ashtak video with lyrics and translation

Sanskrit text Mahalakshmi ashtak stotra

Sri Maha Lakshmi Ashtak was composed by Indra, and is written in Padma Purana. In Bangalore, I find ladies singing it in temples as commonly as Durga Chalisa is sung in temples of North India.

15 October, 2009 | Views: 18279

Chaiti by Kalapini Komkali, Patiya na bheje ho rama


Kalapini Komkali is daughter of Indian music guru Pandit Kumar Gandharva. Chaiti is a genre of Indian music, originating in Eastern UP. Chaiti originated as women sang in longing for their beloveds who had gone away for work and not returned as yet,

07 October, 2009 | Views: 8370

Know your wondrous self, says Krishna

Bhagwad Gita, sanskrit text, video by Swami Brahmananda and translation

In the second chapter of Bhagwad Gita, Krishna bares the nuts and bolts of life, to help us discover our blissful self… A beautiful recitation of Chapter 2, verses 25 to 60 by Swami Brahmananda, Chinmaya Mission

24 September, 2009 | Views: 13137

Training for self realization through karma yoga

Bhagwad Gita, sanskrit text, video by Swami Brahmananda and translation

In the middle of the 2nd chapter, we hear Krishna speak for the first time… Hrishikesh says, a person who maintains equanimity in joy and sorrow is training himself for realizing the Self, a state of bliss.

19 September, 2009 | Views: 8907

Ep # 5 of 394 सुखसागर श्रीमद भागवत महापुराण, माहात्म्य 5 अध्याय, पित्रों की मुक्ति हेतु श्रीमद्भागवत कथा