Rooftop garden in November, North India Photo journal

Hawain baby woodrose, white floral climber

Keeping my rooftop garden in Lucknow is an enjoyable activity. And well, therapeutic. Everyday there is something new to appreciate. And I appreciate the creator of this world through the magic I see in plants growing from seed, blooming flowers and

12 November, 2009 | Views: 46998

Jamun trees in the Indian subcontinent

Jamun trees in the Indian subcontinent

Indians get Jamun as a summer treat. Rs. 5 or 10 for a cone full of Jamun, spiced with salt, is great! Phalsa is another special fruit that shares the season with Jamun. Also mangoes! It is said, one may eat a tummy full of mangoes and easily

09 October, 2009 | Views: 15822

Pink and white Kachnar, Bauhinia trees

Pink kachnar flower

I was first fascinated by these flowers at Bithoor, Kanpur. It was offered at Brahm Khoonti shrine. This was the first kachnar bloom that I saw at close quarters, fragrant, and butterfly like…

08 October, 2009 | Views: 51227

North Indian Garden calendar for July

Canna flowers in flower bed, garden calendar, north india, july

The garden which depended on tough ones like bougainvillea, hibiscus, madhu-malati, portulaca and periwinkle for colour in May can now prepare itself for a new look. This is the right time to check the local nursery for young jasmine plants of Bela,

19 June, 2009 | Views: 48981

Ants in my garden


Dozens of anthills in my garden are witness to the thriving ant population in all its variation under the blazing summer sun. Hats off to the inhabitants who go about their daily lives oblivious to the soaring mercury, power-cuts, absence of ACs

25 January, 2009 | Views: 5241

हिंदी में श्रीमद भागवत जी की कथा, सुखसागर, श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण, माहात्म्य, प्रथम अध्याय, #1